Here at Vista Vision Family Eye Care, LLC, we are dedicated to caring for your eyes when you have diabetes.
Diabetes can affect more than just your blood sugar. It can also do some damage to your eyes if you are not careful.
Diabetic eye disease can cause vision loss if you are not careful. It can cause you to have trouble with everyday tasks even if you have regular glasses or contacts. It can even cause blindness.
If you have diabetes, you really need to monitor your vision. If you have blurry vision; see spots, flashing lights, or dark spots; or have trouble seeing out of the corner of your eye, you need to get help as soon as possible. You also need to be seen if you have any kind of pain or pressure in your eyes.
People with diabetes often have more eye problems than those who are not affected by the disease. They can also get some diseases at a much younger age. Many diabetics have cataracts or cloudy eyes. They can also be affected by glaucoma, which is increased eye pressure that can damage the optic nerve and cause you to go blind. They may also have nerve damage in the eyes.
We are dedicated to caring for your eyes when you have diabetes. If you having any problems with your vision or pain in your eyes, we will be glad to see you as soon as possible so that we can prevent blindness.
If you have diabetes or are having diabetes eye problems, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (970) 249-2330.