Here at Vista Vision Family Eye Care, LLC, we are proud to offer retinal photography for our patients.

Digital retinal photography allows us to take pictures of the back of your eye so that we can look for any problems. We can use these photographs to not only find the reason for your worsening vision, but also use to diagnose high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, and even brain tumors.

It is really important to use digital retinal photography because many problems that can lead to blindness start without showing any symptoms. If a problem affects your vision just a little, you may not even realize it’s a problem until it is too late.

Digital retinal photography is also the only way to diagnose certain diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and retinal tears. The sooner we are able to diagnose them, the easier they will be to treat and the less likely it is that you will become blind.

Digital retinal photography uses a digital camera to take a picture of the back of your eyes. We can keep it in your file to examine both now and later if we need to track changes in your eyes through time.

Our retinal photography is crucial to being able to predict and prepare for common issues that come with age.

If you have any questions about retinal photography, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (970) 249-2330.